Plays on the Life of the Virgin Mary

II -- The Play of the Assumption of the Virgin

Modernized by A.F. Johnston

For my deeds let God the Father be present and his mother


Right worshipful sovereigns, you will like to hear
Of the assumption of the glorious mother Mary
That St John, the evangelist, wrote and taught, as I lere 
In a book called the Apochrypha. Not to say contrary
At fourteen years she conceived Christ in her body clear             5
And in her fifteenth year she bore the child, this avow dare I.
She lived with that sweet son three and thirty years
And after his death on earth, twelve years did she tarry.
Now account me these years wisely
And I say the age was of this maid Mary                              10
When she was assumed above the hierarchy                             
Three score years, as the scripture doth specify.
The holy legends authorize this, truly.

She lived in Jewry by the mount of Zion
After the ascension of her son taking to her womanhood               15
All the holy places on earth that Christ dwelt in.
Devoutly she visited them honouring the godhead.
First to the place where Christ was christened called 
    the river Jordan
Where he fasted and was taken by malicious falsehood;
Where he was buried and rose, victoriously, alone;                   20
Where he ascended to heaven, God in his manhood.
Thus was she occupied, I read.
And much was in the temple praying.
Now blessed might she be, we ought to be saying.
How she was assumed here we shall be playing,                        25
Praying you of audience, now see and take heed.                      

Peace now your blabbering in the devil's name.
What lousy bitches might you not see!
Our worthy princes, lo, are gathered in fame
That are of status in this land, men of high degree.                 30
By their high wisdom they shall now maintain                   
How all the land best governed may be.
And of these bold preachers that our laws defame,
They shall be slain as they say or be made to flee.
Wherefore, in peace be ye                                            35
And harken unto them. Most still I will be                    
For whatever boy does brag, him will I spill
As a knave; with this crooked knife, him will I kill!
Now listen to our princes all kneeling on your knees.


Now you princes! I, a priest of the law                              40
Of this I demand a response. I ask here anon
If there be any renegade among us, as far as you know,
Or any that subverts the people with clever eloquence alone.
If there be, we must set on them with awe,
For they present our faith falsely; them fools have I found.         45
Such shall be bound up by the belts, until flies to them flow  
And tied up by the thumbs until the Devil make them groan.
Our wrath will not wane
Until such harlots are whipped with rigour
Who gainsay our law and our scripture.                               50
Now act, sir princes, with vigour                              
In saving our laws. Now, tell on.  


Sir, since we slew him, that called himself a king
And said he was God's son, lord over all,
Since his death, I have heard of no manner of rising.                55
But, lo, had he lived he would have had us in thrall.          


Therefore, we were wise to quicken his ending.
Whoever climbs too high, has a foul fall.


Yet of one thing I warned you at the beginning.
His mother is living, Mary that men call.                            60
Many people hold to her withall.                              
Therefore we shall be reproved in pain
If we suffer her to remain.
Our laws she will make to nothing
And much shame do us, she shall.                                     65


Ah, sir, you be bold enough! Are you afraid of a wench         
What, do you believe that she will be us against?


Sir, there are others in the country that claim
And preach that he is living, that we slew, they say.
And if they be suffered thus, this will breed a stench.              70
For through their false speech, our laws they stain.           
Therefore, devise we now upon this bench
What is best now to do them to attaint.
We are but lost, if they do reign.


Why, let us see then. Tell me your intents.                          75


Let us imprison them until their might spent is.               


Better to slay them with dents!


Nay best is to hang them with pain.


Nay sirs, not so, much better advice
Have before you. For what after would tide                           80
If we slew them is that the commons would rise                 
And rather the devil slay them, than we should that abide.
But be that silly wench dead, Mary that prize --
We shall burn her body and the ashes hide
And do her all the indignity that we can devise                      85
And then slay those disciples that walk so wide                
And their bodies divide.
Hold ye not this to be best as is said?


With your wisdom, sir, we are well paid.


Then, you knights,I charge you be well arrayed.                      90
And you tormentors advance the time                            
That Mary is dead.                                             
And if she die the sooner, the devil smite off her head!

Now Mary is praying in the temple and saying


Oh high wisdom, in your divine deity
Your infinite love made for our salvation.                           95
That it pleased you of my simpleness to take your humanity     
With due obedience, I offer you adoration.
And glorious lord and son, if it please your benignity
Do not be displeased with my devotion.
I long to be in your presence joined with you in unity               100
With all my heart and my soul, by nature's swift action       
Under your domination.
All creatures do trust in thee
(Since you were born God and man of my body)
How much more ought I, your mother, to be                            105
Desirous of your presence who were our first formation.       


My sweet mother's prayer unto me does ascend.
Her holy heart and her love is only on me.
Wherefore angel, to her thou shall descend
To tell her that she shall come to my eternity.                      110

My abundant mercy, to her I extend                            
Receiving her to joy, from earthly perplexity.
And in token thereof, this palm now present                         
Telling her to fear no manner of adversity.


By your might I descend to your mother in virginity.                 115


This message brings joy to the heavenly consistory.          

Here the angel descends


Hail excellent princess, Mary most pure,
Hail radiant star, the sun is not so bright,
Hail mother of mercy and maid most sure,
The blessing that God gave Jacob upon you now is light.              120


Now welcome bright bird, God's angel -- I am assured 
You be the messenger of the almighty, welcome to my hall.
I beseech you, now tell me, upon your high nature
What is the very name that your person is called.


What needs my lady my name to be desiring?                           125


Ah yes, gracious angel, indulge my requiring.                


My name is great and marvellous, truly you telling.
The high God, your son, awaits you in bliss.
The third day hence, you shall be expiring
And ascending to the presence where my God, your son, is.            130


Mercy and gramercy God, now may I be saying,                  
Thanking you, sweet angel, for this message, from bliss.


In token whereof, lady, I am here presenting
A branch of a palm. From paradise comes this.
Before your bier, God bids it be borne.                              135


Now thanks be to that lord for his mercy evermore.            


Your meekness, your loveliness and your high lore
Is most acceptable in the Trinity's sight.
Your royal seat in heaven prepared is there.
Now dispose you to die, your son wills it right.                     140


I obeyed the commandment of my God here before. 
But one thing I beseech that lord of his might
That my brethren, the apostles, might be me before,
To see me and I them ere I pass to that light.
But they are so dispersed that I think it cannot be.                 145


Ah yes, lady, nothing is impossible to God, believe ye.       
For he that sent Habbacuc with meat to Babylon from Jewry
Into the den of lions to Daniel the prophet
By a hair of his head, lo, so mighty was he,
See, the same mighty lord may make the apostles here meet            150

And therefore, be not cast down, lady in your holy mind.      


No more I am, glorious angel and kind.
Also, I beseech my son that I not see the fiend
When out of the world I shall pass hence
His horrible look would frighten me and offend.                      155
There is nothing I fear but his dreadful presence.            


He need not frighten you, empress so kind.
Since by the fruit of your body defeated was his violence,
That horrible serpent dare not come near your mind 
And your blossom shall be to him resistant                           160
That he shall not pretend.                  
Desire you ought else now by right?


Nothing but blessed be my God in his might


To you I recommend me, then, most excellent in sight,
And with this again to God I ascend.                                 165

Here the angel ascends


Now lord, thy sweet holy name with great love I bless  
To whom, at all times, all creation psalms singeth,
That it pleased your mercy for me to bear you witness
My simple soul, certainly, your name magnifieth.
Now, holy maidens, the servants of God, as I guess                   170
I shall pass from this world, as the angel certifieth.        
Therefore, to my simple habitation, I tell you now this,
I purpose me to go, beseeching you attendeth
And assiduously watch me by day and night.


We shall, gracious lady, with all our might.                         175
Shall you from us pass, sweet sun of succour                  
Who are our singular solace, radiant with your light.
Your painful absence shall cause us dolour.


Most excellent princess in all virtue and delight
All heaven and earth, lady, do you honour.                           180
We shall watch and wake as our due and right                  
Until the time that you pass to that high tower
In splendour.


God thanks you and so do I.
Now I will make me for this journey ready.                           185
But I would God my brothers were here me by                  
To bear my body that bore Jesus, our saviour.

Now St John the Evangelist suddenly appears before the door of Mary


Ah, marvellous God, great is thy might!
Many wonders thou work according to thy will.
In Ephesus I was preaching, in a far country's light,                190
And by a white cloud, I was rapt to this hill                 
Where dwells Christ's mother, I see well in sight.
Some marvellous message has come to that maid still.
I will go salute that maid that in virtue is most bright
And of my sudden coming, know what is the skill.                     195

Now he will knock upon the door and while entering the house of Mary he will say to her

Hail Mother Mary, maiden perpetual.                           


Ah, welcome my John, with all my heart special,
For joy of your presence my heart does extend.
Think you not, John, how my child eternal,
When he hung on the cross gave us this command.                      200
Lo here is thy son, woman, so bad he me you call
And you me mother, each other to defend.                      
He gave you the governance then of my body terrestrial,
One maiden to another as convenience would commend.
And now that gracious lord has sent me you, son.                     205


Ah, good fair lady, what is there to be done?
Tell me the reason that I am hither sent.                     


Sweet son John, so will I anon.
Our lord God sent to me an angel resplendent
Who said that I should pass hence where three are in one.            210
Then I asked the angel to have you present.


Ah, holy mother, shall you from us be gone?                
My brethren of this tiding sore will repent
That you should be absent.
Sore tribulation, lord, much thou us sendest                         215
That our master and our comfort from us ascendest
And now our Joy, thy mother, to take thou intendest.
Then all our comfort is from us went.                        
But what said the angel, mother, then to you more?


He brought me this palm from my son sure                             220
Which I beseech you, as the angel me bad,
That before my bier, by you, it be borne
Singing my dirge devoutly and sad.                           
And John, I have heard our foes wish me ill.


Ah, good lady, if it please you, me tell.                            225


Secretly they ordain in their counsels fell
When my soul is passed where God's wish is
That my body be burned to assuage their ill will             
Because Jesus was born of me whom they slew with their fists.
And therefore, I beseech you John, that you help me shall            230
And see to my burial, for in you my trust is.


Fear you not, lady, for I shall with you dwell.
Would God my brethren were here now and knew this.            

Now suddenly all the apostles are gathered before the door astonished


Ah, holy brethren, with grace be ye met here now.             
Lord God what means this sudden congregation.                        235
Now sweet brother Paul, will you take this upon you
And pray to God for us all that we may have revelation.


Good brother, Peter, how should I pray here now               
That am the least and most unworthy of this congregation.
I am not worthy to be called an apostle, truly I say to you          240
For as a mad man against holy church I made persecution.
Nevertheless, by the grace of God, I am brought here too.


Ah, great is your humility, Brother Paul, evermore.          


The keys of heaven, Peter, God asked you to take
You are a pillar of light and prince of us all.                      245
It is most fitting that you this prayer make
And I, though unworthy, pray with you I shall.


I take this upon me, Paul, for your sake.                     
Now, almighty God that sittest above the cherubim in hall
The sign of thy holy cross with our hands we make                    250
Beseeching thy mercy may upon us fall
And why we are thus here, if it please you, declare.


Ah, holy brethren all welcome you are.                       
Why you are met here I shall you declare.
For Mary, God's mother, a message has been sent                      255
That from this wretched world to bliss she shall fare
And at her dying she desires to have us present.


Ah, brother John, we may sigh and care                        
If it displease not God, what these tidings have meant.


Forsooth we may be heavy evermore                                    260
That our mother and our comfort should be from us absent.
But nevertheless, the will of God fulfilled must be.


That is well said, Paul, but of this must know ye            
That none of you for her death show heavy speech,
For anon by our enemies it should then noted be                      265
That we were afraid of death and that is against what we teach.
For we say all that believe in the Holy Trinity
Should ever live and not die. This truly we preach.           
And if we make heaviness for her, then will it said be,
"Lo, yon preachers, to die they are afraid full much."               270
And therefore, in God now be glad everyone.


We shall do as you tell us, holy brother John.
Now, we beseech you let us see our mother Mary.             


Now in God's name, to her then let us be gone.
She will be full glad to see this holy company.                      275


Hail mother and maiden. So was never none
But only you most blessed, truly.


Hail incomparable queen, God's holy throne.                   
From you sprang salvation and all our glory.
Hail solace of mankind and mender of our miss.                       280


Ah, with all my whole heart, you are welcome iwis.
I beseech you now tell me of your sudden meeting.


In divers countries we preached of your son and his bliss     
Different clouds each of us were suddenly carrying.
We were brought before your gate here iwis.                          285
The cause why, no man could tell of our coming.


Now I thank God of his mercy! A high miracle is this.
Now will I tell you the cause of my son's working.            
I desired his bodily presence to see.


No wonder lady that thus so did ye.                                  290


Then my son Jesus, of his high pity
Sent me an angel and thus he said
That the third night I should ascend to my son in deity.      
Then to have your presence, brethren, heartily I prayed,
And thus, at my request, God hath sent you to me.                    295


Wise, gracious lady, we are right well paid.


Blessed brethren, I beseech you, then attend me.
Now will I rest me in this bed that for me is arrayed.        
Watch carefully with your lamps and lights


We shall, lady, ready everything for your death.                     300


Now soon shall you see what God's might is.
My flesh begins to grow feeble by nature.

Now she will be suitably apparelled upon the bed


Brothers, each of you a candle take by right                 
And bring them in haste while our mother dost endure,
And closely let us watch in this virgin's sight                      305
That when our lord comes for his spouse so pure
He may find us watching and ready with our lights
For we know not the hour of his coming for sure              
And in purity all, look you be ready.


Ah sweet son Jesus, now mercy I cry                                  310
Over all sinners, let thy mercy be spread.


The voice of my mother comes me full nigh.
I descend to her from whom I took seed.                       

Now the lord will descend with the entire celestial host. Now they will sing upon instruments


Ah welcome gracious lord, Jesus my son and God of mercy!
An angel would have sufficed me, high king, at this need.            315


In proper person, mother, I will be here ready
With the heavenly choir your dirge to proceed.
Veni tu electa mea et ponam in te thronum meum                
Quia concupiuit rex speciem tuam.


Paratum cor meum deus paratum cor meum                               320
Cantabo et psalmum dicam domino.


Hec est que nesciuit thorum in delictis
Habebit requiem in respectu animarum sanctarum.               


Beatam me dicent omnes generaciones
Quia fecit michi magna qui potens est et sanctum nomen eius.         325


Veni de libano sponsa mea veni Coronaberis


Ecce venio quia in capite libri scriptum est de me
Vt facerem voluntatem tuam deus meus                          
Quia exaltauit spiritus meus in deo salutari meo.

Now the soul of Mary will depart from her body and enter the bosom of God


Now come my sweet soul, in cleanness most pure                       330
And rest in my bosom brightest of may.
All ye, my apostles, of this body take care.
In the vale of Jehosaphat there find shall ye                 
A grave new made for Mary's sepulchre.
There bear the body with all your solemnity                          335
And await me there for three days in future
And I shall appear again to you to comfort your adversity.
With this sweet soul now from you I ascend.                   


In our tribulation, lord, thou us defend.
We have no comfort on earth but of thee alone.                       340
Oh sweet soul of Mary, pray thy son us defend.
Remember thy poor brothers when thou comest to thy throne.


Que est ista que assendit de deserto                         
Deliciis affluens innixa super dilectum suum.


Ista est speciosa inter filias Jerusalem sicut vidisti eam           345
Plenam caritate et dilectione sic que in celum gaudens suscipitur
Et a dextris filii in trono glorie collocatur.

Here the whole heavenly host will sing


Now sister, I beseech you, let us do our attendance           
And wash this glorious body that is here in our sight
As is the use among us without any variance.                         350
Now blessed be this person that bore the God of might.


I am ready, sister, with all my whole allegiance 
To wash and worship this body that is so bright.              
All creatures thereto own obedience
For in this body did the holy ghost alight.                          355

And they kiss the body of Mary


Now holy brother Peter, I heartily you pray
To bear this holy palm before this glorious body
For you be the prince of the apostles and head of our faith  
Therefore, it seems best that you do this office, truly.


But sir, you slept on Christ's breast and sang celestially,          360
You are God's clean maid, without gainsay,
This observance is most proper you to do, truly.
Therefore take it upon you, brother, we pray,                 
And I shall help to carry the bier.


And I, Peter, with our brothers together,                            365
This blessed body shall help to the ground.
This holy corpse now take we up here
Saying our observance with devout sound.                      


Exiit Israel de Egipto domus Jacob de populo barbaro. Alleluia.


Facta est Judea sanctificacio eius Israel potestas eius. Alleluia.   370

Now they will carry the body towards the grave with their lights. Now the angels quietly sing in heaven Alleluia.


Hark, sir princes, what noise is all this?
The earth and the air is full of melody.
I heard never before such a noise as now, iwis.               
Can you ought say what they signify?


I know not, by my God that of much might is.                         375
Whoever they be, loudly they cry.
I fear that there will be something amiss.
It is good that privately, among us, we spy without.          


Now have I lived these three score years
But such a noise have I never heard ere.                             380
My heart begins to tremble and quake for fear
That there is some new sorrow sprung no doubt.                


Yes, that there is, truly, I tell you.
The prophet's mother, Mary, is dead.
The disciples her bear in great array now                            385
And make all this mirth in spite of our dread!


Fie on you lousy dogs! They were better away!                 
Out harrow! The devil is in my head!
You dunderheaded princes, fast you array
Ere I make a vow to Mahound that your bodies be bled.                390
Now that queen is dead
Your coward knights in plate                
And your tormenters, their power shall be great
Fast, harlots, quicken your gate
And bring me that cursed body instead                                395


Doubt you not, sir bishop, in pain of reproof
We shall do shame to that body and to those preachers         


Sir, I shall gain those chatterers and grimly them grieve.
Those tainted traitors shall suffer, if my look on them lowers.


To hastle those harlots is my sure brief.                            400
I shall snarl up those snivellers with right sharp shoves.


Hence, then, in the Devil's name and take me that thief       
And bring me that blessed body, even before these towers
And her disciples ye slay.
Hie you hence, harlots, at once!                                     405
The devil's boys will break your bones --
Go fetch me that body with your stones.                       
Out harrow! my wits are away.

Here the princes descend with their ministers like raging men hitting their heads against stone walls


What the devil! what does this mean?
I hear their noise but I see right nought.                           410
Alas, I have clean lost my post --
I am full of woe; mad is my thought.                          


I am so afraid I would fain flee,
The Devil him speed that me hither brought!
I run about such woe seizes me;                                      415
Running mad fear has me wrought
To die care I nought!                                         


Ah, cowards, upon you now fie!
Are you afraid of a dead body?
I shall stand thereto manfully                                       420
All that company fear I right nought.

Now insane (unsound) he jumps after the bier of Mary and hangs from it with his hand

Alas my body is full of pain!                                 
I am fastened sore to this bier.
My hands are held fast both twain.
Oh Peter, now pray thy God for me here.                              425
In Caiphas' hall, when you were seen
And Peter, of a maid, were accused there                      
I helped you then, now help me again!
That I were whole and out of my fear
Some medicine grant me here.                                         430


I may not attend to thee, sir, at this hour
For I am occupied with this body of honour.                          
But nevertheless, believe in Jesus Christ our saviour
And that this was his mother that we bear on her bier.


I believe in Jesus man's salvation.                                  435


In God's name, then, bow down and this body honour.


Now mercy, God, and gramercy of this salvation.                      
In Jesus and his mother believe I ever sure.


Then take yon holy palm and go to thy nation
And bid them believe in God if they will be pure.                    440
And touch them with it both head and hand in this fashion
And of their madness they shall be cured                             
Or else in their pains endure.


Gramercy, holy father Peter.
I shall do as you teach me here                                      445
With high repentance and heart most demure.                          

Now they carry the bier to the place of burial


Now, holy brethren, this body let us take
And with all the worship we may lay it in the grave
Kissing it all at once for her son's sake.
Now spread incense and we shall put her in this cave.                450

Now they place the body in the sepulchre, censing and singing


De terra plasmasti me et carne induisti me                           
Redemptor meus domine resuscita me in novissimo die.
Now God bless this body and we our song make.

Now they bless the body together "In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti"

The fruit that it bore our souls shall save.
Now rest we us brethren in this plain break                          455
Until from our God and our lord tidings we have                      
Here must we be brave.


So must we, John, as you say.
Then bide we here and pray
Beseeching him of comfort that best may,                             460
Resting here about this grave.                                       

Now the prince goes to his fellows with a palm


You men that languish in this great infirmity
Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have health
Through virtue of this holy palm that comes from the Trinity
Your sickness shall be assuaged and you restored to wealth.          465


I believe in Christ Jesus, God's son in unity                        
And forsake my wicked idols that are false in their faith.

Here he touches the believers with the palm branch and they are healed

Ah, I thank thee, gracious lord and thy mother of pity.
Now am I whole of my sickness and of my false belief.


What, harlot, forsake you our law?                                   470


So I hold it best you do.                                            


Hence from me! In the devil's name you go!
I die! Out! Out harrow!
The wild devils now to me draw!


Hark, Beelsebub and Belial, Sir Satan in the corner                  475
We fetch our servant to this prison.                                 
Blow flames of fire to make him burn.
Make ready against we come to this demon.


Fast for that harlot now let us run
To cast him in this pit that is deep down.                           480
He shall burn and boil and chill in our den.                         
Go we now in the devil's name as fast as we can.
Harrow! harrow! we come to town.


Drag we this harlot on high
Into the pit of hell for to lie.                                     485


Go now hell hounds you cry                                           
Sir Satan may hear our sound.


Now angels and all this court celestial
Unto earth now descend with me
To raise the body of my mother terrestrial                           490
And bring we it to the bliss of my deity                             
Assent you here to know the unity.


Yea, for your high mercy, lord, all heaven makes melody.

Here he descends and comes to the disciples saying


Peace be to you all my apostles so dear
Behold me here your lord and your God most right.                    495


Ah, welcome Christ our comfort in thy manhood clear.                 
Great marvellous God, much now is thy might.


What worship and grace seems to you here
That I should do to this body Mary she hight.


Lord, as thou rose from death and reign in thy empire,               500
So raise thou this body to thy bliss that is light                   
To us seems this right.


Yea, glorious God, lo the soul here ready now
To this blessed body may it please you to release now
Heaven and earth would think this the best now                       505
Inasmuch as she bore you, God in your might.                         

Now the soul goes into the body of Mary


Go then blessed soul to that body again.
Arise now my dove, my neighbour and my sweet friend,
Tabernacle of joy, vessel of life, in heaven's temple to reign.
Ye shall share that bliss with me, mother, that has no end           510
For as you were clean on earth of all sins the stain                 
So shall you reign in heaven, the cleanest of mind.


Ah endless worship be to you Jesus, releaser of pain.
I and all earth may bless you, come of our kin.
Lo, I am ready, with you for to wend.                                515


To heaven above mother, ascend then we                               
In endless bliss for to be.


Heaven and earth now enjoy may ye
For God, through Mary, is made man's friend.

And now they will ascend into heaven the heaven singing in parts "Assumpta es Maria in celum"


You to be worshipped mother it pleases the holy Trinity.             520
Therefore I crown you here in this kingdom of glory.
Of all my chosen, thus shall you called be
Queen of heaven and mother of mercy.


Now blessed be your names we cry
For this holy assumption. All heaven and earth maketh melody.        525

                     Deo Gracias

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