Most mighty maker of sun and moon,
King of kings and lord over all,
Almighty God in heaven's throne,
I thee honour and ever more shall.
My lord, my God, to thee I call                            5
With hearty will, Lord, I thee pray.
In sinful life let me never fall,
But let me live ever by they way.

Abraham my name is called
And patriarch, of age full old,                            10
And yet, by the grace of God is bred,
In my old age, a child full bold.
Isaac, lo here, his name is told,
My sweet son that standeth me by.
Amongst all children that walk on wold,                    15
A lovelier child is none, truly.

I thank thee, lord, with heart full mild
Of his great mercy and his high grace
And principally for my sweet child
That shall to me do great solace.                          20
Now sweet son, most fair of face
Full heartily do I love thee.
For true hearty love, now in this place,
My sweet child, come kiss me now.

At your bidding, your mouth I kiss.                        25
With lowly heart, I you pray,
Your fatherly love let me never miss
But bless me, your child, both night and day.


Almighty God, that best may,
His dear blessing he grant thee                            30
And my blessing thou have alway
In what place that ever thou be.

Now Isaac, my son so sweet,
Almighty God look that thou honour
Which that made both dry and wet,                          35
Shining sun and sharp shower.
Thou art my sweet child and paramour,
Full well in heart do I thee love.
Look that thine heart in heaven's tower
Be set to serve our lord God above.                        40

In thy youth, learn God to please
And God shall quite thee well thy meed.
Now sweet son of words these
With all thy heart thou take good heed.
Now farewell, son, God be thy speed,                       45
Even here at home thou me abide.
I must go walk for I have need.
I'll come again within a tide.


I pray to God, father of might,
That he you speed in all your way.                         50
From shame and danger day and night
God might you keep in your journey.


Now farewell, son, I thee pray,
Ever in thine heart look God thou wind,
Him to serve both night and day,                           55
I pray to God, send you good mind. 

There may no man love better his child
Than Isaac is loved of me.
Almighty God, merciful and mild,
For my sweet son I worship thee.                           60
I thank thee lord with heart full free
For this fair fruit thou hast me sent.
Now, gracious God, wheresoever he be,
To save my son ever more be bent.

Dear Lord, I pray to thee also                             65
Me to save for thy servant
And send me grace never for to do
Anything that should be to you displeasant.
Both for me and for my infant,
I pray the lord God us to help.                            70
Thy gracious goodness thou us grant
And save thy servant from hell deep.


Abraham, how, Abraham,
Listen and hark well unto me.


All ready sir, here I am.                                  75
Tell me your will, what it will be.


Almighty God thus doth bid thee
Isaac thy son, anon thou take
And look him thou slay, anon, let see,
And sacrifice to God him make.                             80

Thy well beloved child thou must now kill.
To God offer him as I say
Even upon yon high hill
That I thee show here in the way.
Tarry not by night nor day                                 85
But smartly thy way thou go.
Upon yon hill thou kneel and pray
To God. And kill the child there and slay.


Now God's commandments must needs be done.
All his will is worthy to be wrought.                      90
But yet the father to slay the son
Great care it causes in my thought.
In bitter bale now am I brought,
My sweet child with knife to kill
But yet my sorrow availeth right not                       95
For needs I must work God's will.

With heavy heart I walk and wend
My child's death now for to be.
Now must the father his sweet son shend.
Alas, for ruth it is pity!                                 100
My sweet son come hither to me
Oh Isaac, my son dear,
Come to thy father, my child so free,
For we must go together in fear.


All ready, father, even at your will                       105
And at your bidding I am you by
With you to walk over dale and hill,
At your calling I am ready.
To the father ever most comely,
It oweth the child ever buxom to be.                       110
I will obey full heartily
To all things that ye bid me.


Now, son, on thy neck this faggot thou take
And this fire bear in thy hand,
For we must now sacrifice go make                          115
Even after the will of God's command.
Take this burning brand,
My sweet child, and let us go.
Where no man that lives in land
Has more sorrow than I have woe.                           120


Fair father, go right still,
I pray you, father, speak unto me.


My good child, what is thy will,
Tell me thine heart, I pray to thee.


Father, fire and wood here is plenty,                      125
But I can see no sacrifice.
What shall you offer? Fain would I see
That it were done in the best wise.


God shall that ordain that sits in heaven.
My sweet son, for this offering                            130
A dearer sacrifice has no man given
Than this shall be, my dear darling.


Let be good father your sad weeping,
Your heavy cheer aggrieveth me sore.
Tell me, father, your great mourning                       135
And I shall seek some help therefore.


Alas, dear son, for needs must me
Even here thee kill as God hath sent.
Thine own father thy death must be!
Alas that ever this bow was bent.                          140
With this fire bright thou must be brent.
And angel said to me right so.
Alas, my child thou shalt be shent,
Thy care-full father must be thy foe.


Almighty God of his great mercy                            145
Full heartily I thank thee, certain.
At God's bidding here for to die
I obey me here for to be slain.
I pray you father, be glad and fain,
Truly to work God's will.                                  150
Take good comfort to you again,
And have no doubt your child to kill.

For God's bidding, forsooth it is
That I of you my death should take.
Against God ye do amiss                                    155
His bidding if ye should forsake.
You own damnation should ye take
If ye me keep from this decree.
With your sword my death ye make
And work ever more the will of God.                        160


The will of God must needs be done.
To work his will I said never nay.
But yet the father to slay the son,
My heart doth cling and cleave as clay.


Yet work God's will, father, I you pray                    165
And slay me here anon forth right
And turn from me your face away
My head when that ye shall off smight.


Alas, dear child, I may not choose.
I must needs my sweet son kill.                            170
My dear darling now must me lose,
My own kin's blood now shall I spill.
Yet this deed ere I fulfil
My sweet son, thy mouth I kiss.


All ready father, even at your will                        175
I do your bidding as reason is.


Alas, dear son, here is no grace
But needs dead now must thou be.
With this kerchief I cover thy face
At the time that I slay thee                               180
Thy lovely visage I would not see
Not for all this world's good.
With this sword that sore grieveth me
My child I slay and spill his blood.


Abraham, Abraham, thou father free                         185


I am here ready, what is your will?


Extend thy hand in no degree.
I bid thou him not kill.
Here do I see by right good skill
Almighty God that thou dost dread                          190
For thou sparest not thy son to spill.
God will acquit thee well thy meed.


I thank my God in Heaven above
And him honour for his great grace.
And that my lord me thus doth approve                      195
I will him worship in every place.
My child's life is my solace.
I thank my God ever for his life.
In sacrifice here ere I hence pace
I slay this sheep with this same knife.                    200

Now this sheep is dead and slain
With this fire it shall be brent.
Of Isaac my son I am full fain
That my sweet child shall not be shent.
This place I name with good intent                         205
The hill of God's visitation,
For hither God hath to us sent
His comfort after tribulation.


Hark Abraham and take good heed
By himself God hath thus sworn                             210
Because thou wouldst have done this deed
He will thee bless both even and morn.
For thou dear child thou wouldst have lorn
At God's bidding. As I thee tell
God hath sent thee word before                             215
Thy seed shall multiply whereso thou dwell.

As stars in heaven be too many to tell
So shall thy seed increase and grow
Thou shalt overcome in wealth as well.
All thy foemen reckoned by row                             220
As sand in the sea doth ebb and flow
Has pebbles many innumerable,
So shall thy seed, thou mayst me trow
Increase and be ever profitable.

For to my speech thou didst obey                           225
Thine enemies forts thou shalt possess
And all men on earth, as I thee say,
They shall be blessed in thy seed.
Almighty God thus gives thee meed
For that good deed that thou hast done.                    230
Therefore thank God in word and deed
Both thou thyself and Isaac thy son.


Ah, my lord God, to worship now on knee I fall.
I thank thee lord of thy mercy.
Now my sweet child to God thou call                        235
And thank we that lord now heartily.


With lowly heart to God I cry
I am his servant both day and night
I thank thee lord in heaven so high
With heart, with thought, with main, with might.           240


Gramercy lord and king of grace,
Gramercy lord over lord's all.
Now my joy returns apace.
I thank thee lord in heaven thine hall.


Over all kings, crowned king I thee call                   245
At thy bidding, to die with knife
I was full buxom, even as thy thrall.
Lord, now I thank thee thou grantest me life.


Now we have worshipped our blessed lord
On ground kneeling on our knee.                            250
Now let us two soon be of one accord
And go walk home to our country.


Father, as ye will so shall it be.
I am ready with you to go.
I shall you follow with heart full free                    255
All that ye bid me, soon shall I do.


Now God all things of nought that made
Ever worshipped he be on water and land.
His great honour may never more fade
In field nor town, sea nor on sand.                        260
As all thing, lord, thou hast in hand
So save us all whereso we be
Whether we sit, walk or stand
Ever on thine handwork thou have pity.

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